Cardiovascular Resources

At The Hospitals of Providence, we provide resources that can help you navigate your heart journey. Whether you’re suffering from arrhythmia, coronary artery disease or any other heart condition, we’re here for you and are ready to help you connect with the doctors and health professionals who can provide the high-quality, safe care you deserve.

Red Cross Resources

AED Steps 

Automated external defibrillators can help save lives during sudden cardiac arrest.

Red Cross AED Steps

Hands-Only CPR

Learning this simple process can help save a life.

Watch the Video from Red Cross

Take Charge of Your Heart Health

A month of healthy tips can lead to a lifetime of benefits.

Heart Quiz

How healthy is your heart?

Find a Cardiologist

Fill out a contact form and we’ll call you to refer a doctor.

Check back soon, there are no classes currently scheduled for The Hospitals of Providence.

Upcoming Cardiology Classes

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{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}-{{ SectionTime(FeaturedClass.sectionEndDate) }}

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{{ FeaturedClass.FeeMessage }}

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{{ SectionMonth(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(FeaturedClass.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

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{{ TruncateMessage(StripHtml(Class.classDescription)) }}

{{ Class.locationLine1 }}

{{ SectionDate(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

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{{ SectionMonth(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

{{ SectionDay(Class.sectionStartDate) }}

Multiple dates
and locations

There are no classes currently scheduled for this service. See all of the upcoming classes and events sponsored by The Hospitals of Providence.

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